
 Grace Like Rain
Grace like rain is open to women 16 years old and up.  Women gather from around the tri-state area on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss topics that help them cope, grow and develop.  At G.L.R. you will meet women who feel what you feel and are touched by the things that touch you.  There are no subjects to sensitive, no big I's or little you's ... Just Real talk between Real women.  Come and experience God's unconditional Love and "Grace-like-Rain".

To view Healing Waters for Women "The Maui Experience" Photo Album,
Click Here

Lady Maddaline Children's Home (LMCH) was established February 2005 in Guntur, South India in response to the tsunami crisis of Southeast Asia.  Many of the survivors were innocent children who found themselves orphaned following the catastrophe.  Lady Maddaline Children's Home is currently the residence of nearly 57 children ranging between ages 7 to14 years old.  Each child is provided daily necessities including food, clothing, medical care and a Christian-based education.  

Click Here for Video Presentation

The Children's home is supported by individual sponsors and the Faith Center Church family. 
Why don't you consider becoming an individual sponsor today?  Just email us at for more information.  We will be happy to send you a packet with a picture of your child and his/her history.

United Churches In Christ Fellowship (U.C.I.C.), is an association of churches and ministries united to provide and promote Fellowship, Friendship, Partnership, Accountability, Ministerial Covering, Financial and Ethical Credibility, and Fatherly direction for its members. UCIC is (Not a Denomination) For more infomation:Click here
Childrens Ministry C.O.P.S. (Children Obediently Professing Salvation) is a ministry for all children ages 4 - 12.  COPS was introduced as a means to get the children involved in all aspects of church services on their level of understanding and capabilities.  As future generational leaders, our children must be taught and trained for their future roles in the working of the Kingdom. 


Mission Statement: Our mission is to be trained up as children in the way we should go for when we are older we will not depart from it but we will lead those younger than ourselves to be future leaders as we are now being trained.  We are the future Bishops, Pastors, First Ladies, Apostles, Elders, Evangelists, Prophets, Prophetess, Ministers, Missionaries, Deacons, Deaconess, Psalmist and Musicians.


Objective: To prepare our youth of tomorrow to be Leaders of a new generation of Warriors for Christ stronger and more fervent in the things of God.
Dance Ministry

The Faith Center Dance Ministry consists of five dance teams:


The Little Angels:  This is an all girls liturgical praise & worship dance team.  Ages are from 4 - 13.

Begotten Sons:  This is an all boys and young men's hip-hop based dance team. Ages range from 6 - 23.

New Vision:  This is our youth hip-hop dance team comprised of both males and females. Ages range from 6 - 23.

Serenity:  This is an all women's' liturgical praise & worship dance team.  All ages of adulthood are welcomed.  You are never too old to dance.  However, you must be at least 16 years of age to join.
Prophetic Dance Troupe:  A prophetic, mime, drama based dance team.  Ages vary in this team according to individual gifts and talents.

Singles Ministry S.A.L.T. (Single And Living The Truth) is a ministry designed to provide spiritual support and fellowship for unmarried, divorced and or widowed individuals.  Participants of this ministry enjoy the many outings, camaraderie, fellowship services and regularly held group meetings.

Man 2 Man
is an association of men driven by one purpose, "POSITIVE CHANGE." Dedicated to helping men focus on life's challenges within themselves as well as their families to bring individuals to a place of self fulfillment and divine destiny.

Total Faith School of Ministry 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Total Faith School of Ministry is to promote and provide training for Christian Ministers, Ministries, Leaders and Lay persons in both non-secular as well as secular subjects to sponsor and enhance excellence in ministry.


To become an accredited academy perpetuating excellence in all facets of Christian ministry and to be a renown nationally recognized entity for such.

"A School of Ministry promoting excellence in ministry"

The Total Faith School of Ministry was founded by Bishop Joseph Norfleet in 1995.  It began as an extension of Faith Center Church as an arm to reach, teach and train the Leaders of the local assembly and has expanded to encompass the body of Christ at large.  Even though the school occasionally sends its Trainers out to other locations, its main campus is located at 152 South Colony St. Meriden, CT.


School Staff

President and Founder - Bishop Joseph J. Norfleet

Dean of School - Elder Tanesha Hunter


                        Bishop Joseph Norfleet

                        Pastor Roberta Knotts                        

                        Lady Maddaline Norfleet                        

                        Elder Tanesha Hunter

                        Elder Michael Forbes

                        Minister Valeria Forbes
                        Wanda Palmer


Other Instructors / Presenters are contracted to provide specialized training as needed.

Some of the courses offered are:
 1. Deacon In Training                                             8. Leadership Styles
 2. Security Seminar                                                9.Understanding Your Computer
 3. Counseling Seminar                                           10.Grant Writing
 4. Teaching Teachers To Teach                             11.Church IRS Compliance
 5. Understanding Praise and Worship                    12.Church Administration
 6. Marriage and Family Enrichment                        13.Four Faces of a Leader
 7. Understanding and Working with Difficult People   14. Missionaries in Training

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